Turkish Penal Procedure Code

18,87  16,04 
-15% Erzanî

ISBN: 9786254360596

40% Serkeftina Hilberê

Kargoya belaş

Kirîna ewledar

Status2 Di stokê de hene

BOOK ONE: General Provisions * PART ONE: Extent, Definitions, Subject Matter Jurisdiction and Venue * PART TWO: Decisions, Pronouncement and Notification, Time Limits and Reinstatement * PART THREE: Witness stand, expert examination and judicial inspection * PART FOUR: Measures of protection of evidence * PART FIVE: Interview and Interrogation * PART SIX: Defense * BOOK TWO: Investigation * PART ONE: Reporting of Crimes and Investigation * PART TWO: Filing a public prosecution * BOOK THREE: Prosecution Phase * PART ONE: The Conducting of the Public Claim * PART TWO: Concluding of the Public Prosecution * BOOK FOUR: Victim, Claimant, Individual Who is Financially Responsible, Intervening Party * PART ONE: Rights of the Victim of the Crime and the Claimant * PART TWO: Intervening in the Public Claim * BOOK FIVE: Special Adjudication Procedures * PART ONE: The Adjudication of Defaulters and Fugitives, Representation of Legal Entities During the Investigation and Prosecution, Adjudication Procedure for Some Crimes * PART TWO: Mediation and Confiscation * BOOK SIX: Legal Remedies * PART ONE: General Provisions * PART TWO: Ordinary Legal Remedies * PART THREE: Extraordinary Legal Remedies * BOOK SEVEN: Court Expenses and Miscellaneous Provisions * PART ONE: Court Expenses * PART TWO: Miscellaneous provisions


Weight 0,35 lbs


Marshallstraße, 10 35394 Gießen.Hemî siparîş bi hejmareka DHL’yê ya şopandinê tên şandin. Kargoya siparîşên di ser 50 € re her car belaş e. Di dema erzankirin û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe. Di dema firotina bierzanî û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe.


Mak pirtûk, di navbera 30 rojên kirînê de (14 rojên di dema firotanê de) guhertin û paşvegerandina berhemên xisarnedîtî qebûl dike, (lê) bi şertê hûn meqbûza resen nîşan bidin. Li welatê ku danûstandin lê hatîye kirin, li her dikana xwe, em vê xizmetê ji we re dikin. Karê paşvegerandina we bi pirranî di navbera hefteyekê an hefte û nîvekê tê kirin. Piştî me kar û barê paşvegerandina we temam kir, em ê ji we re emaîla agahdarkirinê bişînin. Piştî ku me karê paşvegerandinê dest pê kir, ji kerema xwe ji rojekê heta 3 rojên karî, xwe li me ragirin heta ku em paşvegerandinê digihînin forma resen a peredayînê.


Eger pirseka te an şayîşeka te he be, haya me jê çêbike. Email: info@makpirtuk.de Telefon: (+49)-1575 0649613