Stage-3 Anne Of Green Gables – İngilizce Hikaye

4,20  3,57 
-15% indirim

ISBN: 9786059533041

40% Serkeftina Hilberê

Kargoya belaş

Kirîna ewledar

Status31 Di stokê de hene

Anne is an orphan girl who lives in the orphan house with other children. She is a very clever and unique child, with extremely wide imagination and bright ideas. By a fateful mistake, Anne conies to Green Gables where she can imagine different things to her heart’s content. Manilla and Matthew decide to adopt her after much thought and discussion. And so Anne lives at Green Gables, where she finds her longidesired home, family and peace of mind.

After some time Anne goes to school and finds her best friend. Moreover, in school she finds her biggest enemy whose name is Gilbert Blythe. Anne faces many funny and dangerous adventures in her life. At the same time, she grows up very quickly. Anne succeeds in her classes greatly: she passes the entrance exams and got the college scholarship. But suddenly her plans for the future and all ambitions crash once and for all. She has to decide whether to stay at Green Gables or not. Moreover, she falls in love with her biggest enemy whom she hated all her life. Will Anne make a right decision? And will she follow her heart?

A wonderful story which shows us the values of family, loyalty, friendship, and love…


Weight 0,35 lbs


Marshallstraße, 10 35394 Gießen.Hemî siparîş bi hejmareka DHL’yê ya şopandinê tên şandin. Kargoya siparîşên di ser 50 € re her car belaş e. Di dema erzankirin û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe. Di dema firotina bierzanî û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe.


Mak pirtûk, di navbera 30 rojên kirînê de (14 rojên di dema firotanê de) guhertin û paşvegerandina berhemên xisarnedîtî qebûl dike, (lê) bi şertê hûn meqbûza resen nîşan bidin. Li welatê ku danûstandin lê hatîye kirin, li her dikana xwe, em vê xizmetê ji we re dikin. Karê paşvegerandina we bi pirranî di navbera hefteyekê an hefte û nîvekê tê kirin. Piştî me kar û barê paşvegerandina we temam kir, em ê ji we re emaîla agahdarkirinê bişînin. Piştî ku me karê paşvegerandinê dest pê kir, ji kerema xwe ji rojekê heta 3 rojên karî, xwe li me ragirin heta ku em paşvegerandinê digihînin forma resen a peredayînê.


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