Reawakening Literature

8,40  7,14 
-15% Erzanî

ISBN: 9789752564923

40% Serkeftina Hilberê

Kargoya belaş

Kirîna ewledar

Status2 Di stokê de hene

“I only wish Real Reads had existed when I was at school so that I knew what happened in the last two-thirds of Jane Eyre!” Lauren Nightingale, Scholastic Education

Accessing and sharing important works of literature is often a daunting experience. Jane Campion’s practical guide is designed to support teachers and parents in maximising children’s reading experience. It identifies a range of opportunities for developing reading skills, and for talking about books. It also suggests ways of developing readers’ appreciation and understanding of the cultural and social contexts of the classics of world literature.
The guide is divided into five sections
• plot and structure
• character
• themes and ideas
• language
• context
Activities are designed to encourage engagement, strengthen comprehension, and to support the development of more complex skills such as inferential reading. For each activity there is an explanation of the activity with a worked example using one of the Genç Kaknüs texts of classic literature retellings, together with suggestions about how the activity can be extended for the more able.
Jane Campion has ten years’ experience of teaching English Language and English Literature, and has been a lead teacher for English. She is a member of the English Association Secondary Education Committee, and is currently the editor of the association’s journal for secondary teachers,


Weight 0,35 lbs


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