This book aims to open the doors to this multidimensional world by focusing on the conceptual framework of gastronomy and providing readers with new intellectual frameworks and perspectives. The content of the book has been designed considering the current gastronomy trends worldwide. In this context, initially, neglected concepts in gastronomy literature were identified, and their shape and content characteristics were explained by drawing on existing literature. For instance, concepts such as gastronomy museology, gastronomy literacy, and gastronomic value typology were addressed independently for the first time in this book, and the overall framework of these concepts was established. Additionally, some commonly used concepts in gastronomy literature were reinterpreted and defined. The book consists of sixteen interconnected chapters. These chapters, focusing on the specific features of global gastronomy concepts, are structured to appeal to academics, students, professionals in the industry, employees of local governments, and individuals interested in gastronomy. We are grateful to the authors and publishing staff who contributed to the preparation and publication of this book, as we believe it would contribute to the gastronomy literature and provide opportunities for a better understanding of the conceptual framework of gastronomy.
Global Concepts In Gastronomy
23,45 € 19,93 €
-15% Erzanî
ISBN: 9786256489370
40% Serkeftina Hilberê
Kargoya belaş
Kirîna ewledar
Weight | 0,35 lbs |
Nivîskar | Kolektif |
Weşanxane | Eğitim Yayınevi |
Sal | 2023 |
Rûpel | 308 |
Pîvan | çokebatlı |
Isbn | 9786256489370 |
Marshallstraße, 10 35394 Gießen.Hemî siparîş bi hejmareka DHL’yê ya şopandinê tên şandin. Kargoya siparîşên di ser 50 € re her car belaş e. Di dema erzankirin û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe. Di dema firotina bierzanî û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe.
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Eger pirseka te an şayîşeka te he be, haya me jê çêbike. Email: Telefon: (+49)-1575 0649613
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