Coming Up For Air (İngilizce Kitap)

11,90  10,12 
-15% Erzanî

ISBN: 9786057110046

40% Serkeftina Hilberê

Kargoya belaş

Kirîna ewledar

Status2 Di stokê de hene

The themes of the book are nostalgia, the folly of trying to go back and recapture past glories and the easy way the dreams and aspirations of one’s youth can be smothered by the humdrum routine of work, marriage and getting old. It is written in the first person, with George Bowling, the forty-five-year-old protagonist, who reveals his life and experiences while undertaking a trip back to his boyhood home as an adult.

At the opening of the book, Bowling has a day off work to go to London to collect a new set of false teeth. A news-poster about the contemporary King Zog of Albania sets off thoughts of a biblical character Og, King of Bashan that he recalls from Sunday church as a child. Along with ‘some sound in the traffic or the smell of horse dung or something’ these thoughts trigger Bowling’s memory of his childhood as the son of an unambitious seed merchant in “Lower Binfield” near the River Thames. Bowling relates his life history, dwelling on how a lucky break during the First World War landed him in a comfortable job away from any action and provided contacts that helped him become a successful salesman.


Weight 0,35 lbs


Gryphiusweg 12 68307 Mannheim.Hemî siparîş bi hejmareka DHL’yê ya şopandinê tên şandin. Kargoya siparîşên di ser 19.99 € re her car belaş e. Di dema erzankirin û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe. Di dema firotina bierzanî û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe.


Mak pirtûk, di navbera 30 rojên kirînê de (14 rojên di dema firotanê de) guhertin û paşvegerandina berhemên xisarnedîtî qebûl dike, (lê) bi şertê hûn meqbûza resen nîşan bidin. Li welatê ku danûstandin lê hatîye kirin, li her dikana xwe, em vê xizmetê ji we re dikin. Karê paşvegerandina we bi pirranî di navbera hefteyekê an hefte û nîvekê tê kirin. Piştî me kar û barê paşvegerandina we temam kir, em ê ji we re emaîla agahdarkirinê bişînin. Piştî ku me karê paşvegerandinê dest pê kir, ji kerema xwe ji rojekê heta 3 rojên karî, xwe li me ragirin heta ku em paşvegerandinê digihînin forma resen a peredayînê.


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