365 Days With The Sahabah – 365 Günde Peygamberimin Arkadaşları (İngilizce)

54,38  46,22 
-15% Erzanî

ISBN: 9786050815573

40% Serkeftina Hilberê

Kargoya belaş

Kirîna ewledar

Status2 Di stokê de hene

They were always with our Prophet (saw). Love, mercy, ethic, peace, and greetings: they learned them all from him. Most of all they learned how to be a Muslim. The did whatever he said. They followed wherever he went. They did not leave him alone even for a moment. Now, each of them is telling us about their lives, their friends and the time they spent with our Prophet (saw). Each story is more precious than the one before it. Do you want to know them and spend 365 joyful days together with them? “365 Days with the Sahabah” tells the stories of 243 Sahabah. They chronologically tell us about their lives, their recollections of the time with our Prophet (saw) and their Sahabah friends. The book is filled from cover to cover with bright and richly colored illustrations that children cannot get enough of. Readers can also look up each Sahabi’s story in an index, so if they want to they can see that Sahabi’s entire story at once. This way children will begin to get an idea of the world that the Prophet lived in by seeing it from all of these many different angles.


Weight 0,35 lbs


Gryphiusweg 12 68307 Mannheim.Hemî siparîş bi hejmareka DHL’yê ya şopandinê tên şandin. Kargoya siparîşên di ser 19.99 € re her car belaş e. Di dema erzankirin û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe. Di dema firotina bierzanî û xelatan da, dibe ku dema gihandina siparîşê ji ya demên normal dirêjtir bibe.


Mak pirtûk, di navbera 30 rojên kirînê de (14 rojên di dema firotanê de) guhertin û paşvegerandina berhemên xisarnedîtî qebûl dike, (lê) bi şertê hûn meqbûza resen nîşan bidin. Li welatê ku danûstandin lê hatîye kirin, li her dikana xwe, em vê xizmetê ji we re dikin. Karê paşvegerandina we bi pirranî di navbera hefteyekê an hefte û nîvekê tê kirin. Piştî me kar û barê paşvegerandina we temam kir, em ê ji we re emaîla agahdarkirinê bişînin. Piştî ku me karê paşvegerandinê dest pê kir, ji kerema xwe ji rojekê heta 3 rojên karî, xwe li me ragirin heta ku em paşvegerandinê digihînin forma resen a peredayînê.


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